
Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Ulaanbaatar Ger Area Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Community Enhancement Project PFS: Supporting the cities’ development initiative for Asia

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

The objective was to conduct a pre-feasibility study of required physical infrastructure investments, which would enhance the value of heritage landmarks in the selected Ger (traditional Mongolian settlements) areas as tourism sites and will provide economic opportunities for Ger inhabitants.

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Government of India

Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY): Preserving the unique character of the heritage city of Puri

Government of India

The programme focused on facilitating inclusive heritage-linked urban development. We were responsible for planning, advising, and supporting the City Mission Directorate in the successful implementation of the scheme.

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The World Bank

Integrated Tourism Master Plan for Komodo National Park and Labuan Bajo, Flores Island, Indonesia: Improving the quality of and access to tourism-relevant basic infrastructure

The World Bank

The project is a is a 25-year phased overall development plan for the entire Tourism Destination Area (TDA) and a 5-year detailed development strategy for prioritised Key Tourism Areas.

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Government of Madhya Pradesh

Eco Sensitive Zones (ESZ) Master Planning in Madhya Pradesh: Reducing the impact of urbanisation and other developmental activities on the ecologically vulnerable areas

Government of Madhya Pradesh

The plan focused on regulating sustainable tourism around the protected areas through spatial plans and development of control regulations as well as building tourism as an alternate livelihood for the local communities.

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Government of Karnataka

Preparation of Coastal Master Plan for Karnataka: Tapping the tourism potential of the state

Government of Karnataka

Focused on leading the development of local economy, attracting anchor investments, and generating employment opportunities, the tourism master plan aimed to tap into the huge tourism potential of Karnataka.

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The World Bank

Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZMP): Preparing a Tourism Master Plan for Chilika Lake & its catchment in Odisha

The World Bank

The project aimed to promote responsible tourism including eco-tourism and community-based tourism in and around Chilika Lake and its catchment area, the second largest brackish water lagoon in the world and the largest in Asia. It focused on conservation of ecological resources and promotion of wise use of the lake & basin resources and extend appropriate economic activities to benefit the local communities.

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