
Growth, Resources, Opportunities and Wealth Creation in Bihar (GROW BIHAR): Enabling placement opportunities for youths


Growth, Resources, Opportunities and Wealth Creation in Bihar (GROW BIHAR): Enabling placement opportunities for youths


With an objective to assist the Government of Bihar (GoB) in attracting private sector investments, effectively steer revenue collection, utilise and strengthen growth transmission benefitting women, scheduled castes (SCs) and minorities, GROW programme envisioned inclusive economic development in Bihar.

With an objective to assist the Government of Bihar (GoB) in attracting private sector investments, effectively steer revenue collection, utilise and strengthen growth transmission benefitting women, scheduled castes (SCs) and minorities, GROW programme envisioned inclusive economic development in Bihar.

As a Technical Support Unit (TSU), we assisted GoB to improve the investment climate for private sector growth, boost revenue collection and strengthen public financial management to make development more effective and revamp technical education in the state to create jobs, particularly for women, Scheduled Castes (SCs) and minorities. This was done through integrated interventions including supporting the GoB in designing and implementing reforms leading to greater private sector driven economic growth; strengthened Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector and improved growth transmission via increased revenue mobilisation; effective utilisation of resources; and more effective development programming, particularly for women, poorest and the most vulnerable.


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Learning &
Development (L&D)

We inspire people to be better.

Our intuitive and personalised programmes provide clear path for growth, leadership development, and help people sharpen their skills.

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People trained in last 3 years
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Participation in L&D Initiatives in 2021

Your journey starts from Day One….

Structured Onboarding

Helps align expectations and lays the foundation for your success

New Hire Training

Makes you familiar with the organisation; helps you settle down in a new work environment

Customized L&D Platform

Helps upskill at your own pace through continuous learning and training programmes

Linkage with
Performance Management

Aligns resources and training needs based on your skill set

Learning is not always a formal process. We also align our organisation values to a culture of learning