Building Trust for
Today and Tomorrow
We create long term value for all our stakeholders. Integrating people, technology and innovation, our services and solutions deliver sustained outcomes and builds trust among clients and communities to help them transform and grow.
Sustainable Cities & Infrastructure
Shimla Jal Prabandhan Nigam Limited (SJPNL): Providing water and sewage services in Greater Shimla area
World Bank, Government of Himachal Pradesh
Supporting the Government of Himachal Pradesh in strengthening the operational and financial performance of Shimla Jal Prabandhan Nigam Limited (SJPNL) Utility and improving access to water supply and sewerage services.
Kerala Solid Waste Management Project (KSWMP): Making the state’s development journey sustainable
World Bank | Government of Kerala
Strengthening the institutional and service delivery systems for SWM in Kerala and adopting a sector-wide integrated value chain approach for enhancing the service delivery for waste management.
Integrated Solid Waste Management Improvement Project (ISWMIP): Improving the services in selected municipalities of Bangladesh
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Reforming Solid Waste Management (SWM) services in Bangladesh to overcome the challenges posed by rapid urbanisation and high economic growth.
Sustainable Cities & Infrastructure
Shimla Jal Prabandhan Nigam Limited (SJPNL): Providing water and sewage services in Greater Shimla area
World Bank, Government of Himachal Pradesh
Supporting the Government of Himachal Pradesh in strengthening the operational and financial performance of Shimla Jal Prabandhan Nigam Limited (SJPNL) Utility and improving access to water supply and sewerage services.
Kerala Solid Waste Management Project (KSWMP): Making the state’s development journey sustainable
World Bank | Government of Kerala
Strengthening the institutional and service delivery systems for SWM in Kerala and adopting a sector-wide integrated value chain approach for enhancing the service delivery for waste management.
Integrated Solid Waste Management Improvement Project (ISWMIP): Improving the services in selected municipalities of Bangladesh
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Reforming Solid Waste Management (SWM) services in Bangladesh to overcome the challenges posed by rapid urbanisation and high economic growth.

Technical assistance to better recover, recycle and re-use construction & demolition (C&D) waste in India: Reducing adverse environmental impacts
The purpose of the project was to effectively reduce environmental impact of construction and demolition (C&D) waste in terms of energy consumption, pollution, waste disposal and management.

Consultancy Contract to conduct Baseline of the Plastic, Non-biodegradable waste Monitoring at National, State and City Level, India
The program is an initiative focused on preventing marine litter within urban areas.

The World Bank/Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Corporation Limited
Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Programme (MPUDP): Providing reform support consultancy
The World Bank/Madhya Pradesh Urban Development Corporation Limited
The project’s main goals are to increase revenue for participating urban local bodies and improve coverage for essential urban services in the chosen urban local bodies.

Tamil Nadu Urban Flagship Investment Programme: Strengthening institutional capacity for project development and urban governance
Tamil Nadu Urban Flagship Investment Programme aims to develop priority water supply services, sewerage and drainage infrastructure in at least 10 cities in strategic industrial corridors in Tamil Nadu. Output 3 of the programme focuses on soft components, which includes institutional strengthening and governance improvement.

Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Programme (RUSDP): Capacity building support for innovative sanitation solutions
This project aimed to find innovative solutions for pressing sanitation issues across the value chain during the planning, design, implementation and monitoring process.

Government of India
Ujjain Smart City: Providing Project Development and Management Consultant (PDMC) services for MRIDA (Mahakaal Rudrasagar Integrated Development Action Plan
Government of India
The objective of this assignment is to provide consultancy services to support the client in planning, designing, implementing and monitoring smart city projects under the Ujjain smart city proposal. The smart city comprises of ABD area of 1,023 acres in the old city of Ujjain. The scope of work is broadly divided into two phases for area-based development and ICT-based pan-city solutions, namely, Project Development Phase, and Project Implementation and Monitoring Phase.