
Odisha Millets Mission (OMM): Documenting the good practices of millets mainstreaming

United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP)

Odisha Millets Mission (OMM): Documenting the good practices of millets mainstreaming

United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP)

Recognised by NITI Aayog as one of the two progressive models for promotion of millets, Odisha Millets Mission (OMM) has been recommended by the Government of India to state governments. In an effort to advance South-South Cooperation, WFP India signed the MoU with OMM for informing national, regional and global policy dialogues on millets as climate adaptable nutri-cereal for sustainable food and nutrition security.

Recognised by NITI Aayog as one of the two progressive models for promotion of millets, Odisha Millets Mission (OMM) has been recommended by the Government of India to state governments. In an effort to advance South-South Cooperation, WFP India signed the MoU with OMM for informing national, regional and global policy dialogues on millets as climate adaptable nutri-cereal for sustainable food and nutrition security. As part of this collaboration, WFP in close consultation with OMM aimed to undertake the documentation of ‘good practices’ of millets mainstreaming in Odisha. 

We were selected by WFP to assess and document the good practices and lessons learned since OMM’s inception in the form of narrative & case stories as a replicable operational model for showcasing to a wide spectrum of audience. We recommended an operational model/framework that is scalable and replicable in the identified thematic dimensions. This was followed by the development of a series of policy briefs for revival & mainstreaming of millets in state and national policy and globally.

Key Objectives

  • Increasing household consumption of millets by about 25% to enhance household nutrition security and to create
    demand for millets with a focus on women and children
  • Promoting millet processing enterprises of Gram Panchayats and Block level to ease processing at households and for value-added markets
  • Improving productivity of millets crop systems and making them profitable
  • Developing millet enterprises and establishing market linkages to rural/ urban markets with a focus on women entrepreneurs
  • Inclusion of millets in State nutrition program (SNP) and public distribution system (PDS)

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