Evaluation of UNICEF’s Response to the COVID-19 Crisis in India

The Real Time Evaluation (RTE) will be guided by the OECD – DAC evaluation criteria of relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness while considering equity and gender as a cross-cutting theme at every step of the evaluation. UNICEF India has commissioned IPE Global to assess and improve the relevance, coverage, effectiveness, and efficiency of its COVID-19 crisis response in 5 Indian states, by providing immediate feedback and recommendations for improvement across UNIECF’s six pillars in India.

This project is aimed at achieving the following objectives:

  • Provide monthly feedback to the UNICEF India Crisis Management Team (CrMT) on the relevance, coverage, efficiency, and effectiveness of its COVID-19 response;
  • Identify challenges and bottlenecks in service delivery and provide recommendations for improvement;
  • Involve partners, stakeholders, and beneficiaries in shaping UNICEF’s crisis response to ensure it is more participatory and responsive to needs on the ground;
  • Act as a real time lessons learning exercise that adjusts and improves planning and performance, allowing for ongoing correction of the current crisis response, but also collects lessons for future health emergencies;
  • Identify and fill gaps in UNICEF India’s ongoing evidence gathering efforts;
  • Collect data for use in future evaluation/s of UNICEF’s response.

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