The situation in relation to international travel and local response to COVID-19 is unknown and the countries have not yet been selected.The team is planning to undertake three case studies for the client, GMSA across two countries in response to the pandemic. Thinking ahead, we have undertaken scenario planning:
- Identified the different scenarios which might apply for each country
- Considered the implications for methodology (including country selection and mode of data collection)
- Assessed budget implications and;
- Carried out risk assessment.
The team has also mapped out key review and decision points and has discussed this with GSMA who is using this approach to inform their wider forward planning of work and budgets.
IPE Triple Line also initiated monitoring and evaluation services for GSMA (the mobile industry trade association) in relation to their strategic partnership with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The partnership is funding three work streams – sustainability, national dialogues and connected women – which all promote mobile-based solutions and connectivity for sustainable development.