Local Level Public Financial Management (PFM) in Ghana: Providing regional technical advisory services
The World BankThis project aimed to enhance fiscal discipline, strategic allocation of resources and service delivery efficiency for improved infrastructure and services in urban assemblies of Ghana.
Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) and Quantitative Service Delivery Survey (QSDS): Analysing service delivery and public expenditures in Lesotho
The World BankThe objective of the survey commissioned was to improve the efficiency of various health programmes in Lesotho, with an aim to prioritise fund allocation for intended beneficiaries.
RajKosh: Innovative financing for women, girls and children in Rajasthan
CIFFThe objective of the programme was to make the Government of Rajasthan financially resilient and mitigate the strain on financial resources by reducing fiscal deficit.
Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL) Programme in Nigeria: Conducting a Mid-Term Review (MTR)
DFIDThe objective of the programme was to support the Government of Nigeria reform core governance processes and ensure that the improvements lead to an enhanced delivery of goods and services.
National Urban Poverty Reduction Programme (NUPRP): Conducting Institutional and Financial Capacity Assessment (IFCA) of 11 Cities in Bangladesh
UNDPThe underlying aim of the NUPRP was to ensure sustainable improvements in livelihoods and living conditions of urban poor across towns and cities in Bangladesh.
Ethiopia Portfolio Assurance Programme, Phase II: Strengthening DFID's ability to identify, understand, address and manage risks
DFIDAimed at understanding and addressing major governance, management and financial risks, the programme sought to improve efficiency through an adaptive and flexible approach.
LoCAL: Evaluating Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility in 14 countries across Asia, Africa and Asia-Pacific; Deep dives in Bhutan, Tanzania, Niger and Tuvalu
United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)Focused on building climate resilient communities and promote local economies, UNCDF designed Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL) in 2011.
Long Term Agreement (LTA) to Implement Evaluations Under UNCDF’s Evaluation Plan: Promoting inclusive growth in Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
UNCDFThe objective of United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is to assist developing countries in building up their economies by supplementing existing sources of capital assistance.
Evaluation & Analysis of Tax Transformation (EATT): Monitoring Ethiopia’s Tax Transformation Programme
DFIDDesigned to drive the institutional transformation of ERCA and implement tax policy reforms that are aimed at responsible and equitable increase of tax revenues in Ethiopia.