
Evaluation of SIDA’s Global Challenge Funds


Evaluation of SIDA’s Global Challenge Funds


SIDA engaged IPE Triple Line to conduct a meta-evaluation of 10 Global Challenge Funds in the Sida portfolio, using a utilisation-focused approach.

The underlying principle of the project was to learn from the experience of implementing a portfolio of
Global Challenge Funds and to test Sida’s rationale and fundamental assumptions for the use of Challenge Funds in development cooperation.

During the course of the evaluation, individual funds were assessed against a number of design and performance criteria to extract learning and identify examples of good practice from within the portfolio. The evaluation broadened the evidence base, informing decisions on when and in which contexts Challenge Funds are appropriate and how they should be managed. This ensured the evaluation served not only the practical information needs of Sida, its donor partners and Fund Managers but also, the broader development of the community with an interest in Challenge Funds.


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