
Odisha Primary Education Programme (OPEPA): Conducting Concurrent Evaluation of Learning Achievement of Students in Elementary Schools (CELASES)

Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority (OPEPA) and Government of Odisha

Odisha Primary Education Programme (OPEPA): Conducting Concurrent Evaluation of Learning Achievement of Students in Elementary Schools (CELASES)

Odisha Primary Education Programme Authority (OPEPA) and Government of Odisha

The programme aimed to provide quality education to all children enrolled in elementary education, irrespective of their social background, caste and gender.

The OPEPA programme aimed to provide quality education to all children enrolled in elementary education, irrespective of their social background, caste, and gender. To ensure the minimum learning achievement of the children at different grades and effective classroom transactions by the teachers in different classes, a holistic programme called Ujjwal was launched. 

We undertook a concurrent evaluation of the Ujjwal programme to offer policy options to accelerate the learning levels of students. The overall focus of this evaluation was to provide quality and process monitoring in elementary education in Odisha and to improve school processes to enhance learning achievements.


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