
Investing in Forests and Nature (INAFOR)


Investing in Forests and Nature (INAFOR)

Investing in Forests and Nature (INAFOR) design is about supporting effective forestry and land use with the goal of reducing deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions through the promotion of nature-based solutions to climate change.

Investing in Forests and Nature (INAFOR) design focused on supporting effective forestry and land use with the goal of reducing deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions through the promotion of nature-based solutions to climate change. Specifically, the supplier will support the UKCCU and the Government of Indonesia to identify suitable interventions that can be packaged coherently within a single programme based on a thorough assessment of their viability, value for money and likely impacts for both climate change as well as local livelihoods. 

Triple Line has been engaged to provide technical advice on practical options on how best to deliver the new programme along with different organisations and actors. This will inform the design of the INAFOR. The three phases include:  

Phase 1: Inception and theory of change 

Phase 2: Modes of intervention: options appraisal 

Phase 3: Programme delivery: Appraisal of governance and delivery partner options


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