Fund Manager for the Global Poverty Action Fund (GPAF)
DFIDThe Global Poverty Action Fund aimed to bring about tangible changes to the lives of poor people and address offtrack Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
The Humanitarian Innovation Fund External Evaluation
ELHRAThe Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF), launched in 2011, was one of the first funds for humanitarian action specifically designed to enable innovative ideas to be developed and tested.
Evaluation of SIDA’s Global Challenge Funds
SIDASIDA engaged IPE Triple Line to conduct a meta-evaluation of 10 Global Challenge Funds in the Sida portfolio, using a utilisation-focused approach.
Building Future Generations, Learning Partner | Multi-country - Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Haiti, India, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Peru, Uganda
PorticusTriple Line is the lead organisation as the Learning Partner for Porticus’ Building Future Generations (BFG) programme.
Mobile for Humanitarian Innovation (M4H) Phase 2, MEL Partner
GSMAThe programme seeks to catalyze partnerships between mobile service operators and the humanitarian sector.
Creating Hope in Conflict (CHIC), Developmental Evaluation, Canada
Multi-DonorThe fund seeks to engage with the private sector and draw directly from the experiences of affected communities.
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund: Alleviating market systems to work better for the poor
Multi-DonorFocused on stimulating private sector entrepreneurs to innovate and find profitable ways, the AECF used the Challenge Fund Model to improve access to markets.
Global Poverty Action Fund (GPAF): Supporting projects on poverty reduction
DFIDThe Global Poverty Action Fund (GPAF) aimed to bring about tangible changes to the lives of poor people and address off-track Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Humanitarian Innovation Fund: Improving outcomes for people affected by humanitarian crises
Multi-DonorFocused on the development and testing of innovations in the humanitarian system, the HIF led the way in funding, supporting, and managing innovation at every stage of the innovation process.
Amplify: Leveraging collaboration and human-centred design to tackle pressing development challenges
DFIDAn Accountable Grant partnership between DFID and human-centred design firm, Amplify’s goal was to put into effect a new model for solving poverty-related issues.
UK Aid Match: Providing application assessment services
DFIDUK Aid Match, a DFID Fund, aimed to increase UK public engagement in international development, while simultaneously reducing poverty and achieving the Global Goals in priority countries.
Global Innovation Fund (GIF): Improving lives through social innovations
Global Innovation Fund EvaluationAimed at supporting a portfolio of social innovations GIF is a US$200 million multi-donor funded initiative focused on improving the lives of millions in developing countries.