Online education is still in its budding state in Meghalaya but the Government of Meghalaya has initiated certain strategies to continue...
Following activities were undertaken and actively contributed by NIPI during past 2 months in Rajasthan in accordance with state’s decision to extend NIPI’s support to Udaipur district. Validation of Case Investigation Form: After video Conference by WHO, it was decided that CIF of all COVID-19 patients as well as high risk contacts will be filled by taking […]
The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions to global trade, business, and education and is estimated to cost the world economy a staggering $1Trillion. The COVID-19 health crisis has disturbed the entire balance of supply and demand side of the market and has hampered the supply chain in most of the economy generating sectors. The economic […]
As part of ensuing readiness of the selected facilities to manage COVID patients, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GoI and State Health Societies of five NIPI focus states undertook a rapid exercise to assess preparedness of Dedicated COVID Hospital (DCH) and Dedicated COVID Health Centers (DCHC). NIPI team was assigned to conduct the assessment of 33 DCHCs and 10 […]
Management of the crisis requires an integrated approach with an overarching strategy at the Central government level and implementation initiatives at the sub-national levels of the government. Indian cities have come up with innovative solutions to tackle COVID-19 within their wards and communities to help in bolstering and executing decisions taken at higher levels of governance. […]
The unprecedented rise of the pandemic has resulted in the closure of educational institutions across the country...
The Real Time Evaluation (RTE) will be guided by the OECD – DAC evaluation criteria of relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness while considering equity and gender as a cross-cutting theme at every step of the evaluation. UNICEF India has commissioned IPE Global to assess and improve the relevance, coverage, effectiveness, and efficiency of its COVID-19 crisis response in […]
The project is aimed to support the Government of India is scaling-up the COVID-19 vaccine and some of the important work of RRTs are as below: Support district with preparedness, implementation and monitoring of COIVD-19 vaccine introduction, Interagency coordination for COVID-19 vaccine introduction and accountability mechanism of task forces, Support district with planning, capacity-building, implementation and monitoring of COVID-19 […]
The Government of Jammu & Kashmir, through its National Health Mission, has done excellent work through successful implementation of many programs in area of maternal and child health during the pandemic. Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) is assisting the Government of J&K in reducing preventable maternal deaths and improving maternal health through strengthening of pre-existing […]
Government of Rajasthan has been very proactive in getting its High Delivery Load facilities as LaQshya certified. Recently District Hospital, Sirohi was certified as a LaQshya facility by Government of India. District Hospital, Sirohi not only worked on bringing its quality of care at par with LaQshya standards, but also set an example for others […]
Vaccination is proving to be a promising defense against this pandemic. However, vaccinating more than 12 crore, the population of Bihar, in a timely manner is a monumental task. The first wave of pandemic in India largely affected the elderly. Hence when vaccines became available, older people were prioritized. However, during the second wave the […]
With a surge in COVID-19 cases and its gradual ingress in peri-urban, rural and tribal areas, the Government of Jammu and Kashmir has adopted an innovative approach to manage and contain the pandemic in these areas. The government has established a 5-bedded COVID Care Centre (CCC) in every panchayat with one oxygen supported bed (equipped […]