Aimed at strengthening the participation of youth and adolescents within the engagement platforms devised under the RKSK programme, the project supported standardising and codifying best practices and institutionalising the NHM system in the state. The pilot was conducted in one block of Simdega district and utilised the existing platforms such as Adolescent Health Days (AHDs), School Health Programmes (SHP), community mobilisation for engaging with adolescents and youth.
We provided techno-managerial support to Dasra and its implementation agency in piloting Adolescent Health Days (AHDs) in select locations and supported in institutionalising/scale-up of the tested innovations.
Key Activities
- Developing comprehensive QA & monitoring plan to ensure quality assurance of the field-level activities
- Supporting development of the technical project design and strategies for engagement of adolescents
- Providing technical inputs as required for programme documents – SOPs, manuals, etc
- Co-facilitating and supporting NGO field staff in its engagement with block level supervisors to conduct review meetings
- Developing block and sub-centre level report cards.
- Facilitating government partners to ensure approvals for the implementation work
- Supporting implementation agency in on-the-job coaching and mentoring of FLWs and supervisors
- Undertaking comprehensive documentation – development of advocacy video, process documentation report