SAMRIDH has mobilised a capital pool to offer grant and debt financing provisions to healthcare enterprises and innovators.
This report articulates the concept of blended financing and synthesises the early learnings from the SAMRIDH initiative.
Norway and India share a common vision and stand committed to fostering collaborative efforts for solving priority health issues.
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Strengthening India's response to the emerging healthcare needs with greater investments in enterprises and innovations.
Her Excellency Ms. May-Elin Stener, Ambassador of Norway to India, accompanied by delegates from the Norwegian Embassy, visited Odisha as part of the NIPI IV field activities.
The Decision Support System (DSS) is a user friendly and smart-device based application. It supports health workers in practicing evidence-based care at the community level.
A Health Initiative between India and Norway that aims to provide catalytic, strategic, and innovative support to India's National Health Mission.
Teenage pregnancies directly threaten women's sexual and reproductive health and well-being. States like Rajasthan with high adolescent pregnancy rates demand better solutions. We implemented project Udaan to reduce teenage pregnancies in the state, adopting a 360 degree approach.
Project interventions creating nexus for local identity - Case study of Mahakal Lok Development in Ujjain City
Find compelling new insights into how cities are attemting to address sustainability challenges via major applications of geospatial technology in an urban area.
This project takes forward the vision of making Ujjain the central node for promoting religious tourism to connect people with culture and traditions.
A compendium of success stories that highlight the triumphs achieved by the joint efforts towards combating malnutrition among pregnant women, lactating women, and children in Rajasthan.
Our intuitive and personalised programmes provide clear path for growth, leadership development, and help people sharpen their skills.
Helps align expectations and lays the foundation for your success
Makes you familiar with the organisation; helps you settle down in a new work environment
Helps upskill at your own pace through continuous learning and training programmes
Aligns resources and training needs based on your skill set