NIPI Team’s representative has been appointed to the sixmember COVID-19 committee setup by Government of Rajasthan to prepare...
The Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) aims to help identify and test novel and promising healthcare solutions in its effort to support State National Health Missions of five states in India: Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan...
To address the stigma attached to Covid-19 patients, MoHFW invited development partners including Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI) for technical and programmatic support. In consensus with development partners...
Though governments are more cautious in announcing lockdowns this year, it has unsettled the workers who are yet to recover from the earlier jolt. Gripped with fear and panic...
NIPI Team, WHO and the DMHS-GoR captured the initiatives, resulting best practices as well as citizen’s perspective of various measures and services to tackle COVID-19 as testimonials in a book titled “COVID KI KAHANI JANTA KI ZABANI”...