Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Smart Cities Mission, which aims to improve living experience in 100 cities by 2022, is yet to attract significant private investment. Only 11 projects worth Rs.935.93 crore, out of 167 projects worth  Rs.12,000 crore under the public-private partnership (PPP) model, have taken off so far, according to urban development ministry data […]
India has come a long way with key indicators like Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), child malnutrition etc. showing marked improvement from the past decade. A series of recent initiatives, with the aim of improving public health care system have been undertaken recently. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, National Health Mission (NHM), increased […]

Learning &
Development (L&D)

We inspire people to be better.

Our intuitive and personalised programmes provide clear path for growth, leadership development, and help people sharpen their skills.

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People trained in last 3 years
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Participation in L&D Initiatives in 2021

Your journey starts from Day One….

Structured Onboarding

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New Hire Training

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Customized L&D Platform

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Linkage with
Performance Management

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Learning is not always a formal process. We also align our organisation values to a culture of learning