As coronavirus-caused Covid-19 pandemic continues to shake up the economies across the world, many big corporate houses are coming forward and leaving no stone unturned to offer help to the people hit by the pandemic.
Learning AI, agriculture, environmental studies, health & hygiene and many other aspects should be made more rigorous to face and prevent challenges.
The Delhi government’s pioneering effort to set up the plasma bank is a welcome step and will go a long way in fighting the unending war against the COVID-19
Himanshu Sikka said that while India has reached No. 3 in number of cases, the comforting fact is the high recovery rate of over 60% and low fatality rate
There are a number of potential vaccine candidates—approximately 133 globally, according to the World Health Organisation—that are in various stages of clinical trials; hence, there will not be one single country or company dominating vaccine production, unless companies like Astra Zeneca keep signing deals with governments for supply if their candidate proves successful.
Countries, such as Japan, have indicated their intention to move manufacturing operations out from China to other countries. While global buyers are looking for replacements to source their products, India can offer these companies reasonable price and quality material that can lead to more foreign investments, giving a much-needed impetus to the economy. 
Migrant workers constitute a large part of the informal sector which employs close to 93% of workers in India 1 and contributes nearly 50% of economic output 2 . They lack safe working or living conditions, face forced labour, gender-based discrimination and barely subsist on average INR 500 per day. 90% of health expenditure is […]

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