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We are a Global Advisory & Implementation Services Group that partners with governments, businesses, and leaders to deliver scalable and sustainable solutions.
Focusing on Human Development, Inclusive Growth & Resilience, and Good Governance, we create value for our clients and communities to achieve economic growth & social equity.
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Latest Releases
Eco-Park in New Town, Kolkata: A multi-sectoral intervention encompassing planning, architecture, tourism, engineering and a lot more
A recreational park to showcase and promote environmental conservation and attract visitors.
SWASTH: Improving the health and nutritional status of the people of Bihar
A health intervention based on Public- Privat Partnership model to provide quality dialysis services to patients suffering from renal diseases in Bihar.
A decade long journey in Ethiopia
With over 40+ projects in Ethiopia, we touched the lives of over 105+ million people through our work. Our strength lies in our international experience in implementing multidisciplinary projects in more than 106 countries in Africa.
Development of eco-tourism projects in Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Leveraging the potential of these islands to position them on par with international trade and tourism destinations.
Infrastructure for Climate Resilient Growth (ICRG): Designing ‘climate resilient works’ to benefit families
Working in the states of Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Odisha to impact the lives of the rural population.
OGIP: How innovations can boost the eductation of marginalised students in Odisha
Assessing the feasibility and impact of cash transfer of scholarships in promoting education in the state.
Monitoring & Evaluation: Conducting M&E for development programmes
Conducting M&E for development programmes at both country-specific (Long-Term Agreement) and global levels with extensive and in-depth experience.
Monitoring & Evaluation Through the Gender Lens: Carrying out gender aware and sensitive evaluations
Focusing on approaches that help reduce poverty, promote livelihoods, empower and improve quality of life, people and well-being.
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