Ashwajit Singh features in Entrepreneur India

Driving innovation is imperative for any organisation looking for ‘growth with a difference.’ The thrill of working with a diverse workforce is both stimulating and challenging.

Before starting our own venture, we are both excited and nervous at the same time. we were  dreaming and taking steps towards its realisation is a great feeling. Like any other beginner, we wonder what our organisation would look like. What would be its USP? Would it be able to do justice to the aspirations and dreams of the employees? It was not going to be easy. But, with access to right information, right people and an innovative approach we can deliver and realise the dream of creating a flat organisation committed towards development. An organisation that is able to provide a platform to people to grow is a win-win for all, through its various formal and informal trainings and mentorship programmes. As, an entrepreneur if you are building up your own company, you would be facing certain challenges:

1. Put money into your business

Experienced entrepreneurs don’t have it easy when it comes to funding a new business, but they do have a few advantages over newcomers. They might have a pool of capital from a business they previously sold or a steady stream of revenue they can use to fund a new business’s cash flow.


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Learning &
Development (L&D)

We inspire people to be better.

Our intuitive and personalised programmes provide clear path for growth, leadership development, and help people sharpen their skills.

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People trained in last 3 years
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Participation in L&D Initiatives in 2021

Your journey starts from Day One….

Structured Onboarding

Helps align expectations and lays the foundation for your success

New Hire Training

Makes you familiar with the organisation; helps you settle down in a new work environment

Customized L&D Platform

Helps upskill at your own pace through continuous learning and training programmes

Linkage with
Performance Management

Aligns resources and training needs based on your skill set

Learning is not always a formal process. We also align our organisation values to a culture of learning