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Access to Market

PAHAL has built a platform for improving access and reducing cost of healthcare services. For the urban poor with the help of deploying innovative demand side mechanisms & scaling relevant innovations that reduce the cost of quality services

Key Interventions

  • Healthcare
    Demand Side Financing


    • 100 million urban poor in India facing high out-of-pocket expenses(63%) due to high OPD costs and low insurance penetration;
    • 39 million people pushed to poverty every year due to health expenses


    • PAHAL developing affordable insurance products including primary care provided by leading insurance players and distributed through the PAHAL network partners


    • Improved health seeking behaviour
    • Reduced out of pocket expenditure on health
    • Reduced claim ratio for companies
  • Healthcare
    Scale up of Innovations


    • Large number of innovations unable to achieve scale due to lack of growth capital and market access
    • No platform for showcasing innovations to relevant stakeholders


    • PAHAL evaluating transformative innovations and providing them with access to markets and capital to scale up
    • Exposure to relevant stakeholders through PAHAL Platform


    • Innovations connected to capital and markets
    • Relevant innovations deployed in partner network
    • Improved last mile healthcare delivery